Comparing sentiment analysis from different lexicon of Pride and Prejudice Novel
Working with text mining means we can dig more about what the content meaning in particular text. We can see the emotional tone that used by the …
What is the topic on Indonesian Twitter about vaccines?
Although there are many pros and cons related to the availability of vaccines, especially for anti-vaccines, in fact as many as 200,547,666 have been …
Vaksinasi, Fragile State Index, dan Strategi Hadapi Pandemi
Prolog Vaksinasi adalah salah satu cara mengatasi pandemi Covid-19 untuk dapat meningkatkan imun kita terhadap virus. Apabila vaksinasi dapat …
Vaksinasi untuk Tingkatkan Fragile State Index Indonesia
Prolog Vaksinasi adalah salah satu cara mengatasi pandemi Covid-19 untuk dapat meningkatkan imun kita terhadap virus. Apabila vaksinasi dapat …
This website dedicated to compile all the portfolio and article related to Computational Social Science particularly in Society, Social Media and …